Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Women please advice on this.?

I was set up with a girl last Sat night at my friends house. We all stayed the night and I stayed up with this girl and talked with her. We went out last Wed night to dinner and had coffee afterwards. The date seemed to go good and when I asked if she would like to go back out she said that she would. We text a little after our date on Wed. I did not mention the date but just text with small talk and flirt a little. So last night I call her up to talk to her. She picks up and we start to talk a little. I ask her if she would like to do something this week and she says she has to see when she can. I was kinda like uh oh here we go. She did not say no but did not give me an answer like which day or time. However she did keep talking about what happen to her at work and joking about with me. I did cut the confo short and told I would get back in touch. Now is this girl interested to go back out or I am just getting the run around. I mean why pick up the phone if she not interested.Women please advice on this.?
Slow dowwwwwn.... it seems like you might be getting a little too excited about this girl. She may feel like you're coming on too strong.

From what you've explained, she definitely seems interested... but, like MANY girls, we are hard to read... we want the guys to pursue us, but if its too strong, then we'll feel suffocated.

Let her call you next. It'll make her wonder if you are still interested in her, and intrigue her into thinking more about you and eventually caving in and calling you. And if it turns out she doesn't call, then unfortunately, she probably isn't that interested... which, isn't a bad thing because that way you can move onto the next girl who will show more interest :)

Good luck! Have some patience...... good things come to those who wait!Women please advice on this.?
If she doesn't have caller ID, she'd not know it was you..! Call her again, and ask if she'd like to go out....if she gives you ';I'll have to check my schedule'; again, politely tell her you'll get back in touch w/her next week then... If she's playing, then let her play by herself!
Omg, over reacting much.

She does have a life, she might have other stuff in her schedule that comes first!

It really bugs me when guys are like this.

Just wait, if she's interested she will come back.
Man.. if you don't try, you'll never know. I am sure you are not the only fish in her sea.
Hey look dont worry about it she is definatly interested in you because if she wasnt interested she wouldnt have picked up the phone at all.. maybe she genuanly has other plans! give her a little text asking if she is still up for going out? if she declines the offer dont be taken back just say ';ok. Well maybe another night'; and when you see her again dont automatically talk about going out again leave it a week or 2... im a girl and i would be so flattered if i was this girl but maybe she just wants to take things slowly, wer funny in this way! Anyway good luck and i hope i helped!

Women only. advice on looks. PICS INCLUDED! Serious comments only.?

I am naturally dark brown brunette with fair skin. I have dyed my hair blonde for the past few years and decided since it's fall, I am going to see what (black) brunette looks like on me. It didn't turn out good at all. I was trying to tan to get the look as a super tan, sexy, dark brunette. Any advice you can give me I'd appreciate. I'm at the point where I don't know what to do! :(

What is wrong here: Eyebrows? Hair color? Skin color? Makeup? It could just be my own facial features. ha I don't care how brutally honest you are, just need your help. Thank you!







MY OLD HAIR COLOR: (natural eyebrow color)

http://s35.photobucket.com/albums/d152/JulieBabe2020/Mobile%20Uploads/?action=view%26amp;current=1256008347.jpgWomen only. advice on looks. PICS INCLUDED! Serious comments only.?
1st pic: your hair looks to dark against your skintone, so become more golden with gradual self tanners, but not too dark. it's weird seeing super tan/orange girls in the middle of winder.

3rd pic: i think you should try brown eyeliner, it would look less harsh than black and more natural

5th pic: the blonde looks too peroxide, and the roots are badd

sorry if that's harsh! good points: you do have bright white teeth, your skin tone is even and you don't have many blemishes yay! i think you would benefit from going to a professional and getting your hair color done. or get a box color that has highlights and lowlights in it. I don't think the blonde or brunette would be that bad if you had some more depth of color.

hope this is what you were looking forWomen only. advice on looks. PICS INCLUDED! Serious comments only.?
... wow ohmygosh well the blonde hair didnt suit you it was a little too light. but with the brunette hair you look so great. like GREAT great. I seriously cant see anything else you could do cuz u look absolutely gorgeous in those pics just the way u r now.
i think blonde looks better on you :) your really pretty though and brown doesnt look bad try a caramel brown though or get some highlights.
i honestly think u look fine at where u r right now
I think you look fine both ways, really! As for the brown I recently did the SAME. I was blonde for a little over a year, same shade and JUST went brown, same shade on wednesday :) I have a naturally light skin tone so I too have been a little insecure about it but you look great! As for me I definitely just have to wear make up all the time when I go out to keep that ';natural tan'; look lol but I wouldnt change a thing, it's a good look for you. :)
Hmmm, your are beautiful! Nice smile ... but do not touch your brows because they are perfect the way they are.. but your look is kind of a lil kiddy . Not to be mean, just honest !I'd suggest to get swept bangs those would look really nice on you . Also i think i like your blonde hair better ! OR you can let your hair grow out down to your chest and get a V-CUT !

swept bangs: http://hairbrained.files.wordpress.com/2008/01/rock-n-roll-hair-seraphimc-on-flickr.jpg

Women's advice needed: If you text a girl and she chooses not to text back...?

Hi so this is a follow up from my last post.....

So I met a girl last week at a bar. We're both 27. We had a 3 minute phone conversation the next evening. and this weekend I texted her:

';hey adorable brat, thinking about me much? : )';

She never texted me back! haha.

So my questions is....why is the advice (from many of the girls who replied to my last question) to still call her or text her in a few days?

With a text like that I figure, if she doesn't text back, that's obviously a bad sign right?...

I mean, isn't her not texting me back a sure-fire sign that she's not into me???

Please feel free to advise and input!Women's advice needed: If you text a girl and she chooses not to text back...?
Well you obviously take the time to compose questions on here about her so you must really be interested in her.If you are willing to walk away without finding out what the real deal is from the horses own mouth, then do so.

If you are curious or just really interested you might wanna call and put this dog to sleep. She could have got back with her ex, deleted the msg by mistake, never got the msg at all, could be playing hard to get, maybe you offended her, she might not know how to text, she might have texted back but you deleted it or it never got to you.... the possible explanations are endless. Only she would know, and if she picks up the phone when you call, you might know too.Women's advice needed: If you text a girl and she chooses not to text back...?
shes waiting to see how keen you are,try again
maybe she didn't get it?

Maybe she got it %26amp; couldn't text yu right bak %26amp; then forgot...

Just text/call her again. You'll never know if you don't contact her again...
sometimes girls don't text back because they don't want to seem to desperate.

hope I helped.
There are a variety of reasons she may not have gotten the text. I have had them in my mail box and not realized it until a week or so later. So I would keep that in mind...and give her a call in a day or so. If she's not interested, that's the worst thing that could happen.
she might have just skipped the txt or just forgto to reply..

maybe u should send her like a chain text and if she doesnt reply then no dont bother texting her again.
Why did you call her a brat?
She playing hard to get with you...
well, frankly i wouldn't text back either your test was wierd! i guess it really depends on how well you knew her and how comfortable you guys are around eachother, and it seems to me like you guys don't know each other that well..

so i wouldn't text her again because that obviously isn't working, but do call her once and if she doesn't reply than that's that...
keep texting her. not too much thou, you dont want to be stalker like... women like being pursued... maybe this time not call her names?
it may or may not mean she isnt interested. i know, for me, i sometimes get a text, get busy and totally forget to text them back. maybe she got busy....lots of things. dont give up on just one texts
no offense.. but your asking about you.. .. text her and ask what she's up too... ... id let her know that your thinking of her .... .. without being stalkerish.. lol.. ..

sometimes when girls dont text back :

their busy.

their sleeping.

their pissed off.

or they just dont wanna look at their phone.
I'd say, try one more time in a few days. Maybe she doesn't check her messages or something else occurred. If she doesn't text back, then let it go.

What do you have to lose?
i dont think she likes you very much

I need advice, preferably from older women.?

I'm a junior in high school and i've been dating my boyfriend for almost a year, and we are fully in love. I plan to marry and spend the rest of my life with him. Now here comes the issue, we have been post poning sex for a while now and I was just wondering when other girls first had sex with thier high school sweethearts?I need advice, preferably from older women.?
The week before my 16th birthday to my first kiss, boyfriend, etc. We did marry but a little sooner than planned because I did get pregnant. You had better be sure you are ready!I need advice, preferably from older women.?
i did with my high school sweetheart when i was 17. we were together for years afterward, but eventually we broke up. i don't think that the sex had any influence on that.

i understand that girls especially are taught to wait, but i don't really believe in that. i think that if you're mature, and you understand the risks and benefits, it can be a rational, adult decision to do so.

my advice to you is this:

1. make sure you understand how easy it is to get pregnant, and be comfortable with at least one, if not two birth control methods. (i.e. get on the pill, and get him learning how to use condoms)

2. make sure that you are actually in love, and not just eager to have sex

3. make sure that he's a guy with a good reputation

4. make sure that you won't regret having sex with him if you guys do end up breaking up some time down the road.

5. make sure he understands the consequences of sex.

play it smart.

Women's advice/opinion?

i am 25 and have a 3.5'; penis when it gets erect, problem is, i suffer mild ED and it doesnt always work. my gf is beautiful and caring but im afraid she sees other men, do you think she does or do you think she remains loyal? she tells me it's not that small but i don't know. what do you think?Women's advice/opinion?
I won't lie to you that is pretty small and the ED is prolly a little stressful for her as well. What you have to do is get creative! Learn and practice pleasing her orally and maybe get a sex toy or two to liven things up. There is more than one way to skin a cat. Start thinking outside of the box or this will plague you for the rest of your life. Good sex doesn't have to be all about penetration there are other ways babe.

Yes sometimes ED can be treated but the 3 inches is an issue that will not go away and speaking for myself three inches wouldn't do much for me and other avenues would have to be explored to keep me interested sexually. I wouldn't stop seeing a small guy if he was willing to explore those options but if all he wants to do is tickle me with his little thing and call it a night then yes I would see him as less of a man and would likely leave. A ';real'; man rises above his short comings. A boy just whines about it and says oh well this is the best I can do. Getting creative is something you will have to learn to do if you want please a woman in the bedroom regardless of the ED. It is what a ';real'; man would do.Women's advice/opinion?
If it can make you feel a little better, I heard that some girls prefer men with small penis, 'cause they have to work harder to please them... I don't have any experience with men, but it definitely make sense !

If you're worried, just talk to her about it. Like someone said, go see a doctor for your problem, he might help you. Don't be ashamed of it ! It's not your fault !

Good luck with that :)

PS: Ok you ejaculated while she was kissing you... that's kind of a compliment for her ! Means you think she's really hot :P
Umm... I'm sorry *hugs*
i've seen smaller
1). Ask her

2). Consult a physician-maybe it's stress related and he can help you out with the ED.

3). Be honest with her and tell her how you feel-relationships should be open.
dude u do gotta small piece but dont worry just get really good at going down on her! ;) xx
Wow man.

Not much in the way of satisfying a woman, eh?

Ah well.

Teh best thing you can do is give her mind blowing oral sex.

Women please. advice please.?

me and my boyfriends been sexually active for about 6 months now, we have do not use any method of birth control, protection or even pulling out. my period has always been messed up, but for about a month it stopped. a few days ago i started bleeding it was a lot then it slowed down and stopped all of a sudden. today while having sex it started again, its not a lot of bleeding. for a couple weeks my boyfriend and i have been thinking i was pregnant. ive had cravings for stuff i wouldn't usually eat, my breast have gotten really big %26amp; my auroras around them have gotten really dark brown. my stomach %26amp; breast have been itching %26amp; they are getting really dry. i get this odd feeling in my lower abdominal and a really bad sharp pain. i get headaches all the time, early in the mornings i get a nausea feeling to my stomach %26amp; ive obviously gained weight in my stomach. i just get the feeling that im pregnant. im always feeling weak or achy. when i pee it really hurts %26amp; feels like something is pushing down on my stomach and i always feel like im going to pee. any advice? could i be pregnant, or what is it?Women please. advice please.?
If you are suspecting you are pregnant then why don't you take a pregnancy test? There are other possibilities as well but you can never know for sure and you can't always rule out pregnancy. So go to the store, buy a pregnancy test, take it. If it is negative then you need to see a doctor because obviously what you are going through isn't normal. Get a pregnancy blood test done because they are more accurate than HPT,s at picking up the pregnancy hormone hCG that would be in your system. If you aren't pregnant at all then maybe you should start considering using some kind of birth control to lower your chances on getting pregnant. If you are going to be having sex you need to take responsibility for the consequences that go along with it. If you don't want a baby then use BIRTH CONTROL. Ignorance is not an option. I wish you luck.Women please. advice please.?
Boyfriends? Anyways, you could be preggers. Get a pregnancy test to make sure
Theres a strong possibility, why dont you take a pg test for your own peace of mind.
The answer could be in the question..no protection..sex....pregnant.
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  • Women needs advice / help with Ford Explorer!?

    I have a 2002 ford explorer. I know very little about this vehicle. I am very smart and I know basics about vehicles. I owned a neon for years and new everything about it. I am pretty good about fixing things myself. My problem is now I have kids, babies at that so I don't have time to get under the hood any more.

    My problem is every time I take it somewhere to get repaired the flippin mechanic rips me off. I know its because I'm a women and I've learned that鈥檚 how it is in my area got over it.

    Okay took it to Wal-Mart for a oil change and air filter change. The dude forgot to put the freakin air filter in. So I take it back and tell them they refund me the 8 dollars whatever for the filter. I laughed and asked him that I was concerned that it would have caused a problem with something else. They said oh no no it'll be fine ( I drove like 150 miles before it started jerking and I checked and found no filter) I knew they were lying but I left went home and the check engine light was still on so I started it up like 15 times in a row to reset it but of course it didn't go off. Took it for a diagnostic check (which auto zone did) They couldn鈥檛 read it to me (funny huh?) So I looked it up and have narrowed it down to either my MAF censor or my O2 censors?

    My Question to all you people who know about trucks do you think that driving it with no filter caused it (because I do) and if so how (if I can) do I prove it to Wal-Mart? I am so sick of people jackin my truck up and trying to take advantage of me because they think I'm a freakin moron.Women needs advice / help with Ford Explorer!?
    Well first of all, you are getting screwed over all the time because you probably don't want to pay for an actual ASE Technician to repair your vehicle. People at walmart, auto zone, etc are just young kids making minimum wage and not enough skill or training to actually work at a real shop that all their employee's are factory trained and kept up with training all the time. Thats why we charge more then those places. Just remember, cheaper isn't always better as your finding out. Don't blame all mechanics as ';rip-off artists';, as good honest mechanics are out there, they do charge for their training and skill though. My suggestion to you- ask your friends who they go to or recommend. You might find they are a bit higher in price, but in the long run, it will pay for itself in the long run.

    As for leaving your air filter off, fine particals can enter your engine and put premature wear on your engine, but most likely, the reason your light is on now is that it cause the MAF sensor to build up with lint or dirt, have it cleaned, replace the air filter and you proably will be good to go. ps, the SES lights won't reset now a days by turning the car on and off, they have to be cleared by using a scan-tool hooked up to your computer systemWomen needs advice / help with Ford Explorer!?
    lack of air filter would not harm the O2 sensor, but it could hurt the MAF sensor.

    Wal-Mart does not have mechanics, they have wannabes and never-was people, they do not pay enough to have knowledgeable people - with very few exceptions.
    Okay that sucks, I sympathise with you. I am a single mom of 2 drive an explorer and have been screwed by walmart mechanics, but not nearly that bad! I was going to suggest you call and speak to the manager then I found this and thought it might help you out.
    run back to wal mart and scream and ***** at them. (tell them youre pmsing) haha. thatll frighten em! then thell them exactly what to do, step by step. use as many technical terms as you can. if they still dont do the job right, sue them. say they were sexist. hey, maybe even get them to let you go in the bay and train the clowns there how to change a damn air filter! my freakin 12 year old brother can change an air filter. and he's spent all of 2 minutes under a car hood. and that was because he dropped a quarter in the engine compartment and was looking for it. haha. as for damages done to the car, there could be a number of foreign contaminants in the engine now. that could cause poor performance and foul up your spark plugs. the filters are there for a reason.
    I'm confused about how you took it back because there was they didn't change the air filter and got your 8 bucks back but somehow drove for 150 miles without an air filter. Maybe I'm not reading that right. Truthfully some of the cheaper air filters are what cause most problems with the maf sensor. Tiny pieces of the paper element come off the filter and get stuck to the hotwire. Worst part about driving without an air filter would be dust in the rings destroying cylinder wall. Who cares about the maf go steal one from a junkyard. What is the purpose of autozone scanning your car if they don't tell you what they found. At least to try and sell you a part. Weird.
    I can not say for certain that not having the air filter installed caused the problem but if you were not having any problems before it is a good possibility the maf sensor which is the mass air flow sensor. It could have given a bad reading to the computer and tried to adjust for all the air that was being taken in and kicked the check engine light on. Disconnect the neg. side of the battery for a minimum of two minutes and then reconnect and start the vehicle and see if it cleared the light. If it does not I would take it back to walmart and make them clear the code and see if it stays out. This is assuming you have the air filter in the vehicle at present. I would talk only to the manager of there service department if they give you crap get notarized copies from two techs from other reliable shops and take them to small claims court and make them pay. You at least have to give them the option of seeing if they can correct there mistake before you take them to court.