The girl I am dating (for 2 months) is 7 months pregnant (had a one night stand with some guy and got pregnant) I am bringing her home to meet my parents(they do not know she is pregnant) any advice, I don't want to cause scene? There is also an age difference, I am 19, she is 33
BTW-my parents are very strict Catholics and do not beleive in sex before marriageAdvice on bringing a pregnant women(I am not the father) home to meet strict Catholic parents?
I don't think your parents what ever religion they are would be so thrilled about such a LOSER! Why the heck are you with this woman?Advice on bringing a pregnant women(I am not the father) home to meet strict Catholic parents?
Don't just spring this on your parents and show up with the lady.
Call them ahead of time. Tell them that this is a woman you care about deeply. Explain to them that she is experiencing a crisis pregnancy right now, and ask for their support of her for choosing life instead of abortion. If you think her skin color is going to be an issue for your parents, then bring that up, too.
You don't have to go into how she got pregnant. You can just say, ';It's a crisis pregnancy, and the father of the child is not in the picture and is not going to be in the picture. Honestly, the details don't matter. What matters is that she gets the love and support she needs to choose life for this child.';
Honestly you have to prep your parents for this ahead of time. They are not going to like her though. You've only been dating 2 months as well so I think it might be a bit too early.
Either way work on that story. Obviously tell your parents she's pregnant and don't work out someway that her spouse died in combat....but feel free to completely avoid that bit about a one night stand. That automatically tells most parents that she's immature, irresponsible, and many other negative things.
Do tell them that you are dating her. She is pregnant but you would really like them to meet the girl you are dating and see her for who she is not just as a pregnant woman. Ask them to be open minded and show her the love of Christ. They are going to judge her but the best you can hope for is that they are polite and try to get to know her while you are there.
My 2 cents is that this is a bad idea. I wouldn't do it unti you guys had been together 6 months-10 months. If it's still working out then, with the baby and all that, introduce her to the family.
Well, I'm going to be very honest and you're not going to like this. You're parents would flip even if she wasn't pregnant, due to the age difference and probably race difference (most strict Catholic parents don't like crossing races either). I honestly think you're just going have to swallow, buckle your feet in, and get ready for a storm of wrath. If you two truly want to be together you're going to have to stand together and be willing to show it.
It would show maturity to prewarn your parents. They probably won't be happy with the situation since you are only 19 and the child is not yours. Be prepared for a negative reaction. Your parents love you and are only looking out for you and your happiness in the long run. It would be smart to take this relationship really slow and see how it develops. You are both young and have plenty of time.
Not to bash the catholic religion but it does have alot of skeletons in its closet. But anyway at least she is not getting an abortion. You must be a pretty good person because it would take one to take on the caring and raising of a child that is not yours. Your parents should realize that. In the bible Jesus states ';the one without sin cast the first stone';
I would like to be there to see your parents if they are strict catholics, you are bringing someone almost twice your age, pregnant, and does she have dark roots to go along with that? You must have some vendetta against your parents to do that to them. Good luck.
I would not introduce someone to my parents after two months of dating. Parents do not need to meet every person that you date. I would wait till you have established the nature of your relationship before adding my family to the equation.
Only thing you can do is let them know ahead of time so they dont cause a scene the day they see her. Respect what your parents say, but the relationship is entirely up to you two.
Way to old for you bro. Assess your future and ask yourself,'; Is there a future with someone as old as my mom?';. Question, do you love her?
wow, you like to stack the deck huh? This has a smell of a troll, but if not, GOOD LUCK, you are going to need it.
My question to you is why are you doing this to yourself?
My suggestion to your question is give your parents a heads up. No one likes an unpleasant surprise such as this one.
I agree with gabe
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