Monday, August 23, 2010

Is this my period? women's advice please!?

So about 3 weeks ago i got a tiny drop of blood. so the next day i wore a pad and barley anything. So ever since then iv'e been experiencing SERIOUS MOODiNESS! and iv'e been getting cramps for alost a month now. Then today i found a blood spot on my undies again. then i went to the bathroom and there was a little blood on the toilet paper. what is goign on? was THIS my period?? btw im 12Is this my period? women's advice please!?
I'd say it is definitely the beginnings of your period. You probably will not have a full-blown period the first time you get it - you might not even get it every month when you are first starting. But believe me, eventually you will settle out and get it consistently. If after six months you aren't getting it consistently, you might want to see your OBGYN and make sure everything is as it should be. Good luck and congratulations!Is this my period? women's advice please!?
Yup, sounds like the start of it. You can wear panty liners. They are like pads, but much thinner. This way, you can have protection without the bulkiness. If you have cramps, take some pain medication. The only thing you can really do is wait it out till your period comes.
I am 80% sure that it is.
yes it is.or it is called spotting and you get it before you get your will get heavier soon so be prepared!

good luck!
You are probably correct - that your body may be undergoing the normal hormonal fluctuation that will initiate monthly cycles, anytime in the next few coming years. What you describe would be called _spotting_ - as far as typical menstruation goes, and is no readon for concern. You may choose to carry a Mini-pad and/or a small or medium size tampon with you (about 29 days after the first occurence) to be ready in case your next one is a bit heavier. You'll soon learn what is normal for you. Some women experience a teaspoon at a time, but others of us have very light flows all our lives right up to menopause. My flow was light (except when I had a fribroid many years later) and the period lasted only 3-4 days. Others say a week or moreis normal for them, so I felt lucky. As always with any season change, get good sleep, eat healthy, laugh alot, and take a daily multi-Vitamin. Sugary sodas (and too much caffiene) can worsen the emotional fluctuation and increase hormonal stress.

As long as you are not feeling discomfort when urinating (or being sexually abused by someone) this is a wonderful early reminder that you will soon have the power to create life - and must choose when or IF you ever want a child. just having menses doesn't make you an adult, however. So don't let anyone prevent you from enjoying a full and happy childhood. (Especially some men who appear doped-up around females of any age. ) Do have a chat with the positive women in your life about Tips for the monthy Moon Week. Being a woman is a gift - and what you are going thru is totally natural. Planned Parenthood offers excellent health education. Perhaps plan a vist for several friends, with one of Adults along. It's a great time to ask questions. Often the sessions are taught by terriffic Teen-agers.

You are at the perfect age!

Make great choices - and Enjoy every day.

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