Monday, August 23, 2010

Need advice women with same situations please?

so i was on bc and got pregnant, my husband and i were happy and about a week after i finally got a positive test i miscarried, no dnc was needed but i didn't get back on the pill as we want to have a baby in about 2 or 3 months. so my husband who doesn't want to have a baby for 2 or 3 months decided a couple of times that he wasn't going to use the pull out method properly (i didnt even know if that method works period but we thought we would try it....epic fail, ha ha). so my question is i read that your period should show up about normal time i usually have a normal 28 day period, so last thursday would have been 28 days and last wednesday i started cramping like i was going to start at any minute to get my period, (ive been wearing a pad since then) im cramping really bad and i have alot of discharge sorry for tmi. still no period, i called the doc and they said wait a week. i was kinda wondering if this has happened to any one else....maybe they got pregnant right after a miscarriage. its hard for me to stop thinking about it and obviously you are not docs but any stories relating would be awsome, either you did get pregnant or it came in like 6 weeks instead of 4. anyway thank you for your advice and storiesNeed advice women with same situations please?
ok well i think i can give a lil incite in mid August i had a mis. at only a few weeks preg no dnc needed and September 7th i missed my period and then found out i was preg. it is VERY VERY easy to get preg right after a mis. VERY EASY i am now 39 weeks with my lil girl and everything has been good and this may have happened to you also i had had a mis. b4 that one where i did not have my period for 2 months after but was not pregnant theirs a lot of things that can very so your best bet is to wait a lil bit and go to the hospital to get a blood test to be Very sure cuz your body can hold small amounts of HCG that may pop up on a urine test but a blood test would be more accurate you dont want to get a positive and then feel like crap again thinking you may have lost it best bet it the blood test.Need advice women with same situations please?
I got pregnant after my first cycle following a miscarriage, and my period was on time.

I've heard about people not even getting one period so I know it is certainly possible.

The good news is your Hcg levels will be back at 0 by now so it would be safe for you to have a pregnancy test.

Good luck.
it is said that you are very fertile after a mc, but u want to be carefully because ur uterus havent healed yet. i would say take it easy and dont stress, put urself on light duty..i know, this is the hardest part, playing the wating game. take care and baby dust to u...
I had a miscarriage and then a dnc. I was pregnant within 6 weeks of the dnc. I did not have a period between miscarriage and my second pregnancy. Good Luck
Hmm.. If I were you I wouldn't get to anxious! You might still have those pregnancy hormones and that could be delaying your period also your mind could be tricking you. It will work out how its suppose to! Best of luck!
hey hun.

three months ago, after trying, i got pregnant, but the baby didnt develop properly, and we had to have an abortion. well, it's been a month and a half since then, and i found out i was 5 weeks pregnant again. i was on the pill at the time, and still got pregnant, a week or so after the abortion. well, i miscarried on friday. so i guess i can relate to you, in the way that i got pregnant so soon after an abortion. even though it was a shock to find out the second time that is was pregnant, (because we clearly were going to wait a little longer than a month before trying again) i was happy. but we lost that baby too. it's hard. i hope you do okay, goodluck.

It can happen!! They say to wait 2-3 months for your uterine lining to build up but that doesn't mean if you got pregnant before then you would miscarry.

I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks in September and got pregnant in January so it wasn't right away like you but it is very very possible. Just relax as much as you can and in a couple of days take a test. If it's positive just kind of take it easy, you will be paranoid for awhile due to what happened to you but just know if it's bound to happen there is nothing you can do. If it turns out you're not it's probably just your hormones being a little wacky. I wish I could remember how long it was before I had a normal period but that was a couple of years ago so I don't really remember.
I have had one tubal pregnancy and many miscarriages before I finally became pregnant with my daughter. I do know the one reason I had so many miscarriages was because when I went off the pill my periods didn't come every 28 days. I usually miscarried before I even knew I was pregnant because of that fact. Sometimes they would be four weeks apart and other times six weeks or so. So your hormones are probably a little confused right now. It is good to wait a few months after a miscarriage to let your lining of your uterus get back to normal. But if the doctor said you didn't need a dc then you are probably ok. There are condoms still out there for use if your husband wants to wait 2-3 months. I guess you could suggest that to him and really make it his Good Luck Honey.

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