I was on the pill dianette for 6 years solid, i came off in march 09 after my last pill packet to which i had my normal bleed at the end and did not go back on to give my body a break, i have had no sort of bleed since, not 1 period since i stopped taking it, the doctor said it can be normal for some women, i have had 3 pregnancy tests and all are negetive. could i still get pregnant seens that my body hormones are all over the place? ive been off 4 months now...Please help me need your advice!! women!!?
You're more likely not pregnant. Your body is having an adjustment period right now from coming off not having an ovulation for 6 years. It'll come, too soon I might addPlease help me need your advice!! women!!?
It can take you up to a year for your body to get back into it's routine. The hormonal balance in our body is very delicate and once we make a huge change like stopping our pill, your body needs to recover. It has been used to getting the hormones from your dianette pill for 6 years, in a way your body is in shock.
You're doctor is right and you have no need to worry!
It takes awhile for some bodies to get back to a normal hormone level, relax and listen to your Dr.. If you don't start back on a regular cycle soon then I would have he Dr. run some tests to maybe check and see why you are still out of whack. Oh yeah, you can still be pregnant even with a negative on the test.
Yes you can get pregnanat. Be careful.
I would not worry, 6 years is a lot of time, check in with another doctor for second opinion. I think you're fine.
sounds like it has killed your insides
you maybe pregnant but doubt it your docters prob right
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