Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Help!!! I need some advice [women only]?

I'm 17 and I've found spots on my vagina, however they're like zits and when they are squeezed white pus comes out. Is this normal or should I be concerned about it? Once one was squeezed it went away?Help!!! I need some advice [women only]?
It could literally be zits from heat ect (tight underwear ect). It's hard to say for sure, however as you have found more than one, I suggest you let your Doctor have a look.Help!!! I need some advice [women only]?
If you aren't sexually active then obviously it isn't herpes. Those bumps are normal for some women. In actuality they probably ARE little zits. You vagina has pores just like the rest of your body and if they get clogged or aren't cleaned well enough then they can cause bumps like that. If you work out and sweat or have excessive moisture down there then you might need to clean more thuroughly. And make sure you dry yourself really well too!

And don't pop them, that can cause damage.
Hm, if you are not sexually active then it could be benign. However.. have you been active before? It is best to check out with a Gynocologist, could be a simple bacterial infection.
yeah same here id like to know

and im afraid to go to gyno...

im afraid to tell my mom

ive shaved a few time down there.
alright im not to sure about what it could be

but if i were you, i would go see a doctor and not squeeze the zits.
do you shave your pubic hair? It could be spots from that - like a rash.
ask ur gyno because sone STDs are transmitted by common house hold items or if you shve down there that could be it to
i would see a doctor but it doesnt sound like its too bad

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