walk away now it gets harder as you become emotionally attached without even intending it to happen.... trust me i am in the same situation i have been shagging this guy for 18 months now and we are finding it impossible to end it. Don't follow in my footsteps it is not good at all take it from someone who knows. It is dangerous territory walk away now whilst you still can.I have just entered an affair with a beautiful women need advice never done this before?
you wont be doing it again if your wife or her man finds out about this,its time to exit your affair before yous f up other peoples lives.I have just entered an affair with a beautiful women need advice never done this before?
Heres my advice
you said an affair, are you married or is she, if one of you is married or in a long term relationship then walk away that is the best advice. Don't risk hurting anyone.
What this has to do with healthcare, I don't know.
I'm with loopy on this one... its NEVER worth it.
Wow you are brave!
IF it is the women who is married than:-
Just be very careful and never phone her phone when you think she could be at home! Esp if you don't know how muscly her partner is!!!
Stay away from her local hangouts eg the shops bars etc where he might turn up or his friends might see you together!
If you do go to these places just act like friends and if her partner questions her she can say it was a perfectly innocent meeting of friends!
Just have your cover story planned first! and make sure its the same as hers! otherwise you may end up in the bottom of a river!!!
If you are the married one;-
Same thing have a separate mobile or phone line and if your partner asks says its business colleagues and always put the names down as males!!!
Again only meet up where your partner or friends wont see, or act friendly not all over each other!
But always take the needs of your partner first otherwise they will get very suspicious!
enjoy yourslf till it lasts but be careful play it safe
just be your self, don't try and be too much but still try to relax and if she is worth the stress she'll be there through the thick and thin but if not then she's not worth you stressing over. being beautiful is not only what you look like but what you act like too.
What kind of advice are u looking for. If u or lady is married then what the heck do u tk u are doing? If both single then what makes this women any different then any other. all people are beautiful where it counts on the inside.I take it 1 of u or Both are married so in this case give ur head a shake stop and TK of how many others u are hurting by this affair.So my advice 2 u is get head out of **** and get on with life forget her.
An affair? As in one or both of you are married? How could you or the other person do that to the ones you ';love';? Would you want anyone doing that to you? Please elaberate on the ';affair';.
Damn dude you just made mistake numero uno! DON'T tell anyone about it! EVER no matter what, Under no circumstances...no friends, Family no one...If the only people who know are you and her...then keep it that way. the more people that know..the easier it is to get caught. So be carefull dude.
I speak from experience,there is no way for it to end well.It will screw you up if she is married.It messes with your head.
Please take this advice,if not you will be heading for hurt and frustration.
It seems great at first but as your feelings grow for her it gets harder and harder to accept the situation and it stops being fun and you end up in a vicious circle thats hard to break.
Walk away if you want to be happy
Simply put: You think you are showing up for a feast, but it is really a Funeral!!! Don't let your ';feelings';... you know the same feelings that will have you attracted to another beautiful woman tomorrow, get you regretting what you did. It's not worth it. It feels good now, but sucks later!
Suggestion: Depending on what city you live in try to join Celebrate Recovery. It will help you with all the addictions men are afflicted with and help you channel that energy towards helping others with the same problem. THIS IS EVERY MAN'S BATTLE! LET'S HELP OTHERS WIN!
enjoy it why you can.... it wont last .....
Practice safe sex, be kind.
Get out of it NOW. good luck.
Have safe sex.Since you donot know much about her use condoms .
Tell you the same thing I tell women that mess with married men....... Forget about it!!!!!!!! IF someone cheats on a spouse with you, chances are they will cheat on you as well.
If you are her are already married, you are risking the lives of yourself or her. Marriage is not a toy that you can play with and if it's broken, just go get another one. It involves lots of work and time (and finances). It's not something to mess around with. Think about it. Is it really worth all the ';sneaking'; you're doing? No, it isn't. If she's such a wonderful person, is she worth standing at the top of the highest mountain and shouting your joy with this woman? No. You have to sneak around and be very secretative. That's not a way to have a healthy relationship.
She's already taken. If you can honestly believe that she will leave her current relationship for you, then sure, do whatever you like. However, if this is just a fling, let it go. Her marriage is in danger for the sake of YOUR enjoyment. Have some sympathy and see her side of the story. What are you risking? Nothing. But what is she risking? Her life, her marriage, her financial standing, and her reputation.
Don't be so selfish that you do not care about her. Care enough about her and just become friends....platonic friends.
Know what you are doing.
I never judge people who have affairs without knowing the full story, but I guess you need to be careful that the relationship is balanced. As soon as one person wants or needs more than the other the trouble starts.
its a recipe for disaster hunny
Lucky you.
It depends what you mean by an 'affair'. If either of you is married, then perhaps you should think seriously about what you're doing and of the person/s being cheated. Would you want someone to do that to you?
If someone has promised to be with someone else. Break it off before you feel the need to cheat. It will haunt you from now on.
if either of you are married ,you should not be doing it now either .
yea probly wont last ...but ur going to do it anyways whether we tell u not to or to do it anyways..just have safe sex and hope u dont get shot..lol
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