Saturday, July 31, 2010

Women, some good advice you've learned along the way?


1. Relationships/Love

2. Fashion

3. Work

4. Respect

5. Friends

6. Traveling

7. Family

8. Anything elseWomen, some good advice you've learned along the way?
1. The older you get, the better your relationships become - You make better choices

2. Don't go there - Dress smartly in good quality clothes that never go out of fashion. Always have the 'basics' in your wardrobe

3. If you know what you don't want (out of a job) don't consider yourself a 'failure', think of it as an important stepping stone to the job you DO want

4. Should be shown to everyobody you meet, not 'earned'.... But can be lost when someone makes the same mistake 'twice'

5. Don't seem to have been as important in your 20's, as they are in your 30's (and I imagine 40's, 50's etc)

6. You can NEVER be open-minded or aware unless you travel!! And culture must be experienced when travelling (staying in a resort won't cut it!). Get down to the grass roots of a place.

7. No family is perfect! But family is very comforting (even if very annoying at tijmes). Having family around can be taken for granted.

8. Too much to put in one (relatively) short answer :-)

LIVE LIFE - DON'T LET IT PASS BY YOU!! And see 'bad' situations as new opportunities.......

Peace ;-)Women, some good advice you've learned along the way?
Relationships (Romantic, specifically marriage) . . . Always keep your own bank and savings account . . . not a joint account . . . but your own. Make sure you name is on everything . . . from house titles to retirement accounts . . . not just as a beneficiary but as co-owner. Money is always power . . . don't let love fool you.

Fashion . . . Always have three outfits clean and ready to go . . . not just any outfits but ones in which you feel absolutely stunning . . . These three outfits should include shoes and accessories . . . and be for the following events . . . professional (interview), evening wear, and casual outing . . . the first two are obvious but the third is often overlooked . . . however from general life experience I can tell you it's the most important since it's generally where you meet the best people . . .

Work . . .Never assume your boss knows why the other person is a moron . . . be nice about it . . . but make sure he or she knows why your idea is better . . . If you have a great idea document it . . . that way if anyone else tries to steal it you have proof of whose head it actually came from . . . and for office politics . . . and this one is important . . .IF MORE THAN TWO PEOPLE ARE FIGHTING . . . REMOVE YOURSELF FROM THE ARGUMENT TEMPORARILY . . . RE-INJECT YOURSELF ONLY WHEN THERE IS A CLEAR WINNER . . . IT'S MUCH EASIER TO FIGHT WITH ONE PERSON THAN TWO OR THREE . . .

Respect . . . Make sure you apply it to yourself FIRST.

Friends . . . Always hang out with people who are slightly better than you . . . more financially successful, better dressed, better spoken, whatever . . . habits are contagious

Traveling . . . Never hesitate to do it by yourself . . . even when your married or in a serious relationship . . .

Family . . . Apply the 80/20 rule to those who truly love you . . . if they generally don't annoy you 80% of the time . . . ignore the other 20% and call it a day.

Anything Else . . . No one over the age of twelve should wear glitter make-up anything or t-shirts with cute saying like ';Princess'; . . . Listen to your mother . . . you will in fact regret that tatoo or nose ring . . . Every girl needs a good accountant and attorney . . . even if your not in the position to need one . . . cultivate these relationships anyway . . . because you just never know. . . Never go out with any man (or woman) who doesn't schedule at least three days in advance . . . it's disrectful to insinutate that you might not be busy.
1) Relationships / Love: It is possible to keep adding love to your heart, no matter how much is already in there.

2) Fashion: Is fun but in the end, what matters is what how you wish to present yourself.

3) Work: Having something to do is important, whether it's to make money or for some other reason. No-one can be a whole person unless they have a feeling that in some way, they contribute to the world.

4) Respect: Everyone deserves respect for their their basic humanity. After that, it's negotiable. You will only ever get the respect you demand.

5) Friends: Are not a case of more is better. This is one area where quality really matters.

6) Travelling: Really does broaden the mind, and it's fun, too.

7) Family: Whether good or bad, your childhood is over once you are an adult. Family can be a great gift or a great curse, and we need to remember ~ we are not our family, even though we are from the same place.

8) Mistakes are human. Repeating the same mistake over and over is a waste of time. Expect high standards from yourself and those you associate with, and you'll find yourself not only mixing with a better class of person, but being a better class of person. Oh yeah, and if you turn your sheets in the cupboard so the fold shows instead of the loose ends, it wiill look so much neater with no extra effort at all.

Cheers :-)
1. Relationships/Love: ';Make sure that you give your husband all the sex he needs so that you don't leave him looking else where'; - My mom

2. Fashion: ';Less is more. Don't look like you're trying';

-Different people

3. Work- ';Many hands makes light work'; -My Dad

4. Respect: ';Respect others if you want them to respect you';

-My Dad

5. Friends: ';?';

6. Traveling: ';Pack food in a cooler for lunches to save on money'; -My Dad and Mom

7. Family: ';These come first: God, Family, Then You';

8. Anything else: ';never go to bed angry. Always resolve it before the sun comes up'; -My mom
1. Relationships/Love

Don't chase anyone. If a guy wants you let him come to you.

2. Fashion

Learn what YOUR BODY looks good in.

3. Work

Just do anything if you need to pay your bills (except illegal stuff). You can do temp stuff till you find better. Don't allow gaps in employment.

4. Respect

Give it when it's earned.

5. Friends

You won't meet many of these, but they haven't earned #4, don't keep them.

6. Traveling

Get to Europe and on a cruise, and Hawaii atleast once each.

7. Family

They aren't always blood related....

8. Anything else

Not at this time...
1. When a man shows you who he is, believe him.

2. Your breasts and legs should never be showing in the same outfit.

3. Work

4. You must respect yourself before anyone else will.

5. Friends

6. See everything you desire to see before you have kids.

7. Family

8. Always live life with love character and faithfulness
1. Don't expect things. And communicate what you want. You don't know if you don't ask!

2. Classic is best

3. Work smart. Make a name for yourself. You never know when you will need those people you used to work with, because sometimes they can help you.

4. Respect yourself and you will respect others. It'll come more naturally if you respect yourself.

5. Friends - love them and try not to judge so harshly.

6. Travelling - Take one bag!

7. Family - Love them. They will always be your family.

8. Repeat - LOVE THYSELF!
1. There may be plenty of fish in the sea..but sometimes its just best to put away the fishing pole and go about your own life. ( my own advice)

2. dying your hair blue . or purple...or pink..or bright red is not a bad thing...its just individuallity. and if ppl dont like what! its yor hair..not thiers..they can look else where ( my own advice)

3. pretend you actually love the job you have....until you find a career you love. ( my own advice again)

4. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent...

5. Just because you get along with someone really well..doesnt mean they wont stab you in the back...there is always that potential with the human race. ( my own advice....)

6. always pack more than what you need in case you have to stay longer....

7. Blood means nothing when it comes to family.

8. if ur gonna go to jail over least make sure its something worth stealing! ( my step dad..he is an excon and pretty well known here in illinois)
1. it's about two people giving 100/100...50% is half a$$ed

2. black dress good to go...pearls go with everything including jeans

3. aim for your bosses boss's job...

4. Every living thing deserves basic respect.

5. Friends will take you sure they are the right kinda friends.

6. Path less traveled is the hardest route but a heck of a lot more fun.

you have not lived until your lost where no one speaks English.

';not all who wander are lost';

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